This is very common as many modern cars, if left unattended for more than a few minutes, even with the keys in the ignition and the engine running, will completely lock all the doors. If this has happened to you, don't stress, simply give us a call ASAP on the number below, and we will be out to you within the hour to help get you back on the road.
Sevice area
Battle, Bexhill, Catsfield, Eastbourne, Hailsham, Hastings, Polgate, Sedlescombe, Westfield and all areas in between.
We can also assist you with:-
- Fuel delivery
- Roadside battery jump start
So you don't get locked out again. We can even make a spare key at the sametime. (For most cars)
Call or text: 07845 906316
Please note: Proof of vehicle ownership and photo ID will be required before we can open your vehicle.
BEXHILL CAR KEYS Copyright © 2022 All rights reserved
Tel: 07845 906316 ~ info@bexhillcarkeys.co.uk